Providing your therapeutic care by means of Telehealth is the preference of Give Grace Youth & Family Counseling while COVID-19 continues to be a global and national pandemic.
If telehealth is not feasible however, and you must see your Give Grace Therapist in-person, your presence indicates your adherence to the following Give Grace Policies:
- All clients and Give Grace personnel must, without exception, wear a face mask on the premises and at all times throughout each in-person meeting and session.
- Upon arrival: Your therapist will take your temperature with a non-touch thermometer. If your temperature is 100 degrees or higher you will be asked to seek medical attention and reschedule your session.
- In addition, you will be asked if you or anyone in your household has been exposed to COVID-19 or anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days. If the answer is yes, you will be asked to seek medical attention and reschedule your session.
- In order to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19 we ask that all family sessions including more than 2 individuals, occur exclusively via telehealth; and that Clients remain on the couch provided, allowing your therapist to sit in a chair at least 6 feet away.
- Finally, we ask that Clients arrive no earlier than 5 minutes for their appointment and that Clients remain unaccompanied during their sessions.